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XSEDE Information Services (XSEDE-IS) enable publishing and discovery of XSEDE federated infrastructure information. The XSEDE User Portal, science gateways, and other software components use XSEDE-IS web APIs to access infrastructure information presented to users, and to programmatically access infrastructure components.

XSEDE-IS contains static descriptive information aggregated from various information management systems, and dynamic status information collected automatically by monitoring and other information gathering tools. XSEDE-IS collects information from multiple sources and stores it in a central warehouse where it is cross-referenced and made available thru web APIs.

Information Types

XSEDE-IS contains the following types of information:

  1. XSEDE operated enterprise service descriptions and usage information
  2. Service Provider HPC/HTC/Storage/Visualization resource descriptions
  3. HPC/HTC batch system, queue, and job status information
  4. Service Provider offered software and service description, usage information, and monitored status
  5. Infrastructure outage announcements

Information Access

Information is primarily accessed thru a REST API:

The xdinfo tool provides a command line interface to information from the web API:

Other Resources