XSEDE Information Services (XSEDE-IS) enable publishing and discovery of XSEDE federated infrastructure information. The XSEDE User Portal, science gateways, and other software components use XSEDE-IS web APIs to access infrastructure information presented to users, and to programmatically access infrastructure components.
XSEDE-IS contains static descriptive information aggregated from various information management systems, and dynamic status information collected automatically by monitoring and other information gathering tools. XSEDE-IS collects information from multiple sources and stores it in a central warehouse where it is cross-referenced and made available thru web APIs.
Information Types
XSEDE-IS contains the following types of information:
- XSEDE operated enterprise service descriptions and usage information
- Service Provider HPC/HTC/Storage/Visualization resource descriptions
- HPC/HTC batch system, queue, and job status information
- Service Provider offered software and service description, usage information, and monitored status
- Infrastructure outage announcements
Information Access
Information is primarily accessed thru a REST API:
- API design description
- API self documentation (Swagger)
- Browser friendly content
- API Login
- Globus ID Explorer
The xdinfo tool provides a command line interface to information from the web API:
Other Resources
- Information Services Administration Home
- Information Services Museum (TeraGrid legacy material)